Configuration And Plugins


Myriad uses a configuration file called myriad.toml which uses the toml format. Myriad looks in the current directory fro this file but it can be configured by placing MyriadConfigFile in your project file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

The configuration section for the built in plugins is very simple, the configuration name or key is passed in by either the plugins generator attribute, in the case of the fields plugin:

[<Generator.Fields "fields">]
type Test1 = { one: int; two: string; three: float; four: float32 }

The configuration key is “fields”, if we now look at the myriad.toml file it looks like this:

namespace = "TestFields"

You can see that there is a namespace key that is set to “TestFields”. Using an attribute like this you can configure your plugin to take further information on how to generate the code.

There is another mechanism of specifying what configuration a plugin will use and that is by using an MSBuild property MyriadConfigKey as follows:

<Compile Include="ArbitaryFile.fs">

The configuration key example1 would be passed to the plugin so that it could be consumed. This is used in the Myriad.Plugin.Example1 plugin and use uses configuration to specify the namespace used.

Writing plugins to consume configuration

The plugin interface receives this key via: GeneratorContext . ConfigKey:

type GeneratorContext = {
    ConfigKey: string option
    ConfigGetter: string -> (string * obj) seq
    InputFilename: string

type IMyriadGenerator =
    abstract member ValidInputExtensions: string seq
    abstract member Generate: GeneratorContext -> FsAst.AstRcd.SynModuleOrNamespaceRcd list

ValidInputExtensions is used so a plugin is tied to certain file types as input, if you plugin generating ast fragments from java files then you would add .java to the ValidInputExtensions implementation for example.

    interface IMyriadGenerator with
        member __.ValidInputExtensions = seq {".java"}

While we are discussing the IMyriadGenerator interface lets discuss the Generate member:

Generate takes a GeneratorContext which contains the ConfigKey as mentioned above, the ConfigGetter : string -> (string * obj) seq which is a mean to allow access to the myriad.toml file, you give the function the configuration ket you wish to receive and it returns the configuration. Finally a InputFilename is also passed in so you can load or parse your input files ready to generate an AST. If you look at the included plugins you can see the mechanism for extracting and building AST fragments for reference.